Embedded systems are computers (microprocessors) that are enclosed (embedded) in customized hardware. Examples of embedded systems are portable medical equipment, cellular phones, or consumer electronics items.
Information technology related companies offer end-to-end solution development services. This involves designing, developing and testing of software for embedded components and systems that meet specific customer requirements. They use diverse, real-time operating systems, devices and platforms and associated embedded tools and technologies.
Typically software for embedded systems need to have a very small footprint (i.e. be able to run in a small amount of memory) and often have to work in real-time. SoftBOT offers specialized development method and techniques, which make this possible. SoftBOT ensures the designing, developing, and testing of software for embedded systems and components meet specific customer requirements. We use diverse, real-time operating systems, devices and platforms and associated embedded tools and technologies.
Why choose us?
Create and customize web pages, track analytics and handle e-commerce functionalities.